Commercial Contractors Needed in Tampa Bay & Miami Dade

City Wide Maintenance of Tampa Bay hiring in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando, Sarasota/Manatee, Miami Dade Counties, FL
Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed. Please check with the hiring company directly. For the most recent jobs, please check our job board.
City Wide Maintenance is currently expanding in your area and is looking for experienced janitorial/commercial and general maintenance contractors who are looking for another way to grow their existing business and service our commercial accounts via sub-contracting.
We are looking for dependable, hardworking established companies that do either commercial cleaning, floor care, plumbing, handyman, landscaping, carpet cleaning, concrete and more. Your company must be set up with the State of Florida and have or be willing to acquire Worker’s Compensation Insurance (MUST HAVE INSURANCE - NO STATE OF FL EXEMPTIONS ACCEPTED), plus your own equipment. You are guaranteed payment on the 10th of every month and we handle the bidding and collections for you.
What’s in It for You?
Do what you do best, and we will do the rest:
City Wide:
Finds the clients
Manages client relationships
Handles account administration
Takes care of customer service
Independent Contractor:
Performs the service
Gets paid monthly for work completed
Plus, you keep servicing your own clients in addition to ours!
If you are interested in talking with us about this opportunity, please email or call 727-440-7483 for more information.
Se Necesita Contratistas Establecidos! ¿Quieres crecer tu negocio?
City Wide Maintenance se está expandiendo actualmente en su área y está buscando contratistas comerciales y de mantenimiento general con experiencia que estén buscando otra forma de hacer crecer su negocio existente.
Se busca compañías confiables que realicen tareas de limpieza comercial, cuidado de pisos, mantenimiento general , limpieza de carpeta, y mucho más. Su compañía debe estar constituida con el Estado de Florida y tener o estar dispuesto a adquirir Seguro de Responsabilidad civil y Compensación Laboral/Worker's Comp (ES NECESARIO EL SEGURO DE WORKER'S COMP - NO SE ACEPTAN EXENCIONES DEL ESTADO DE LA FLORIDA), más tener sus propios productos de limpieza. Se le garantiza el pago el día 10 de cada mes y nosotros nos encargamos de las licitaciones y cobros.
Si está interesado en hablar con nosotros sobre esta oportunidad, envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al (727) 440-7483 para más información.
Apply for this job with City Wide Maintenance of Tampa Bay
Call Yunie at 727-440-7483 or email at [email protected]
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