Inspection, Preservation, Rehab, SFR (vacant turns, maintenance, renovations)

Brookstone Management hiring in Statewide in All States AK AZ AR CO IL IN IA KS MN MO NC ND OH OK SC SD TN TX VA WV WI WY, multiple states.
Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed. Please check with the hiring company directly. For the most recent jobs, please check our job board.
For all work you must supply your own vehicles, trailers, tools, equipment, computer, smart phone with Wi-fi, etc. We require an Aspen Grove account, background check, and request all contractors use the mobile apps (Pruvan, InspectorADE, EZ Inspections, PPW). For insurance you must carry a minimum of $1M in General Liability with Errors & Omissions, and workers compensation insurance.
Once you respond to the email below we will forward an application link. The application will ask for your service area(s), your qualifications, work history and insurance coverages. Based on your answers and experience, we will send you additional paperwork for you to join our inspector/vendor/general contractor network.
Apply for this job with Brookstone Management
Please email your name, company name, phone number, email address, and home state to [email protected].
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