Looking for experienced Preservation Vendors in Florida
Michael Johnston hiring in Tallahassee is a Priority, Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, Miami, Daytona. We have opportunities through out all of Florida., FL
Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed. Please check with the hiring company directly. For the most recent jobs, please check our job board.
We are a large Preservation Company working directly with several National Mortgage Servicing and Investment related clients. Currently, we are looking to bring on board experienced preservation contractors to take on a high volume of work through out Florida.
Below are the requirements for becoming a sub-contractor with us:
_Reliability and Communication are a MUST
-Ability to perform all work orders
-On time completion of work orders
-Liability Insurance
-Be able to operate mobile apps correctly
Examples of work orders to be performed:
-Landscape Maintenance
-Tree & Shrub Trimming
-Board Ups
-Trash Outs
-Mold Removal
-Roof Tarps
-Some repairs
-and More.
Apply for this job with Michael Johnston
Email [email protected] or call 904-5315340.
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