looking for Independent Vendors, Sub-contractors, Handymen for property preservation services

Prime Field Services hiring in New York, South Dakota, North Dakota, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, California, Georgia, Mississippi, Arizona, Arkansas, Alabama, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Virginia, Washington, Tennessee, Nevada, Nebraska., multiple states, multiple states.
Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed. Please check with the hiring company directly. For the most recent jobs, please check our job board.
Prime Field Services is looking for Independent Vendors, Sub-contractors, Handymen for property preservation services, maintenance and remodeling in All over: New York, South Dakota, North Dakota, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, California, Georgia, Mississippi, Arizona, Arkansas, Alabama, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Virginia, Washington, Tennessee, Nevada, Nebraska.
Weekly Pay: Net Pay 7 Days (via ACH) upon completion of work and document uploading. Express payments via Cashapp/Zelle also available!
If you want to start with us right away, give us a call at (315) 277-6939/Email: [email protected]. Our vendor associates will guide further.
Work Includes but Not Limited To:
1. Handymen Services (Small Repairs)
2. Regular Preservation Repair - Lawn Care, Securing, Winterization, Snow Removal, Trash-Out, Drywall/Sheetrock, Paint Job, Mold Treatment, etc.
3. Plumbing
4. Electrical
5. Roofing
6. Mold Remediation etc.
1. Own equipment, transportation, and tools to perform work.
**Truck and Trailer, Lawn equipment, Generator, Air Compressor and Winterization Equipment, Smartphone/Tablet with Data Plan, Basic Hand Tools, Locks, etc.
2. General Liability Insurance
3. Aspen Grove Background Check (ABC) Number.
Expectations: Good Communication (call from site as we do on-site approvals), Timely Submission, and Quality Work.
Please email us at [email protected] with the requested information mentioned below so we can set up a call to discuss further. Provide your coverage mentioning the State as well.
Full Name:
Company Name:
Company Address:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Coverage By State and County:
If you currently have your Aspen Grove background check, please provide ABC#
If you want to start with us right away, give us a call at (315) 277-6939/Email: [email protected]. Our vendor associates will guide further.
Apply for this job with Prime Field Services
Give us a call at (315) 277-6939
Or, Email: [email protected]
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