Looking for REO preservation vendors
Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed. Please check with the hiring company directly. For the most recent jobs, please check our job board.
We are looking for Property Preservation Contractors that have great time management skills and are able to perform the following: Property Condition Inspections, Occupancy Inspections, Initial Securing, Lock Changes, Pool Securing, Re-Securing, Eviction Services, Preservation Repair and Rehabilitation, Winterization, De-Winterization, Lawn Maintenance & Reoccurring Services, Debris Removal, Personal Property Removal, Cleaning General Cleaning, Maid Services, Mold Remediation (Available in some areas), Touch Point Cleaning, Monthly REO Cleaning.
Apply for this job with Shrubss Life, LLC (Property Preservation)
Please go to our website and submit your information.
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