preservation vendors needed
Ed's Property Services llc
hiring in Eastern shore M.D.,
⚠️ Posted Nov 02, 2020
Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed. Please check with the hiring company directly. For the most recent jobs, please check our job board.
Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed. Please check with the hiring company directly. For the most recent jobs, please check our job board.
Large contract with plenty of work for experienced property preservation crew must have GL insurance aspen grove # and be able to complete small and large jobs quickly work includes evictions, debris removals, initials, winterizations and repairs.
All crews must have amble help available locks, boarding supplies etc on truck everyday must not be afraid of heights roof inspections will be completed on most initials large area must be able to cover all counties. pay is 30 day net average monthly income 12000 to 18000
Apply for this job with Ed's Property Services llc
Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed.
contact ed 443-928-8843
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