Property Preservation Contractors
Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed. Please check with the hiring company directly. For the most recent jobs, please check our job board.
Property Preservation Contractors
We are looking for new partners. Laudan Properties, LLC, a regional mortgage field services provider, is in the process of growing its business. We are seeking great new contractors in Ohio. We pay twice a month, and we always pay. We value our contractors and support their work. We are looking for property preservation contractors in Toledo, Cincinnati and Dayton areas. We are looking for excellent quality, success driven and experienced, preservation contractors that can complete the following services:
Roof Repair(s)
Roof Replacement
Electrical Services
Window Boarding
Lock Changes/Re-keys
Lawn Maintenance
Debris Removal
Emergency Maintenance
Knowledge of HUD guidelines and previous property preservation experience is a plus. General Liability insurance is also required.
Apply for this job with Laudan Properties
Email Deandre Dickerson at [email protected] or call 330-487-1493
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