Property Preservation Vendors
Edgemark Solutions, LLC
hiring in AL, IL, KS, NC, OK, SC, TX, WV,
multiple states.
⚠️ Posted May 15, 2020
Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed. Please check with the hiring company directly. For the most recent jobs, please check our job board.
Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed. Please check with the hiring company directly. For the most recent jobs, please check our job board.
Job description:
We are currently looking for reliable preservation contractors in AL, IL, KS, NC, OK, SC, TN, WV and TX.
Must haves:
Smart phone & data plan
Reliable transportation
General Liability Insurance
Necessary tools
Type of work:
- Performing lock changes
- Debris removal
- Winterization
- Roof repairs
- Lawn maintenance
-General home maintenance
- Occupancy Inspections
Apply for this job with Edgemark Solutions, LLC
Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed.
email: [email protected]
call: 623-888-6969
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