REO Preservation and Rehab Contractors - IN, KY, OH, TN, SC,
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HIVE REO, INC. is a Property Preservation Company located in Indianapolis, IN. We service a wide range of clientele in around central Indiana. We are looking for highly motivated and dependable 1099 sub-contractors looking for a fast-paced, entrepreneurial work environment. Please fill out the application in the link below.
Essential Duties & Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
 Perform inspections
 Secure properties & change locks
 Board up windows & doors
 Trash and debris removal
 Repair damaged walls & fences
 Lawn & landscape maintenance
 Tree trimming
 Winterizations
 Handyman duties
 Ability to adhere to specific turnaround times
 Ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment
 Must be self-motivated, detailed oriented, follow work order instructions, and have great communication skills
 Basic construction knowledge is a plus
 Must have proper equipment/tools/locks to perform property preservation work
 Must have the ability to photograph and document work
 Smart Phone
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