Note: This job was not posted recently. The requirements or availability may have changed. Please check with the hiring company directly. For the most recent jobs, please check our job board.
We are A 5 Star National Construction Management Firm That Performs Multi-Level Real Estate Solutions For Large Real Estate Portfolio Organizations, Asset Management Corps & Banks. We Work With Hundreds Of Qualified Handyman Professionals & Contractors Nationwide.
Right now, we need assistance with an order in WINSTON SALEM - NC and below is the scope:
Includes-- Mowing ( 2 Times per month)
Edging & Line Trimming( 2 Times per month)
Blowing small debris pickup(2 Times per month)
Groundcover Pruning( 1 Time per month)
Bed Weed Control ( 1 Time per month)
Note-- please note if any additional service is needed bids to be provided
Apply for this job with Hire A Pro Construction Corp
email:[email protected]
phone: 805-200-5304
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