American Global Security

🏢 Headquarters: Los Angeles, CA

Joined 3 years ago

Choosing between a security guard and a product is context-dependent. If the context is offering security for public places such as hotels, cinema halls, and shopping malls, where a large number of people are expected daily, the establishment must be backed up by both regular guard and defence products. If the establishment is not frequently visited but is located near a highway, hiring a guard makes sense. If the establishment is not frequently visited but is centrally located or adjacent to a busy area, employing protection products works well. This finding shows a combination of security-guard and defence products for a typical house where a family resides. In summary, based on the establishment's location, how commonly it is visited, and other establishment-specific factors, one must choose between security guards and products. This quote shows that the majority of defence products on the market today cannot provide 100 per cent protection on their own; a regular guard combined with adequate protection products is an effective combination that can act as a deterrent against future defence breaches.