Beauty n the best home services

🏢 Headquarters: Salt Lake City, UT

Joined 7 months ago

We are a handy man companie, we can trouble shoot any issues, repair small issues or huge issues do to water damage, we purches material at a bulk cost and pass savings on to mamagmet companies. We have a hrly set rate if order is to repair a leaking faucet or weather it be to paint a entire home hrly cost states the same, all material is billed with a reciepte to management companie, we always get orders done quickly allowing for affordable repairs, pictures are taken. Before and after, detailed notes are given to managment companies. gurataeed, constant communication with Tennet and magment companie. We are bilingual and can respond to non emergency calls within a 24 hr period and emergency after hrs calls withing 1hr. Cost of repairs are made to be cost effective if a project is more then set budget we are willing to negotiate to fit budget at no expense to quality of work, all.orders are completed withing a reasonable time, and quality of craftsmanship. We always keep in mind that work sites are a active living place, protective barriers and show covers are used at all times. We can work on any tennents schedule and are responsible and curios when entering tenants home when not there. All trash is hauld away when completed.